A Short Story


Ok, today I will not post about 4Ever Fantastic Friends because…. Well, I just wanna.

Alright let’s begin with my short story. It is called…

How “Innocent” Fairytale Characters Act

Hi there, person. My name is- wait, you don’t need to know that. All you need to know is that I am the narrator of this story/tour.

Today’s tour will be to famous fairytale characters’ homes and see how they acted. Please hop in this time machine.

FIRST STOP: Cinderella’s old house.

Here, you can see Cinderella defying her stepmother’s orders. As a result, she had to do chores. Not because she was mean to her.

“Cinderella, be dear and go down to the store and buy  a clove of garlic. The maid is very sick,” the stepmother called.

“No!” Cinderella spat. “Make the twins get it.”

“Please dear…” the stepmother begged. “The twins are studying.”

“I am too! Look, I’m reading!” Cinderella flung her book across the room.

“Yes, I can see,” her stepmother sighed. “Please don’t throw books.”

Cinderella rolled her eyes. “Please don’t throw books,” she mimicked.


Ok, time to step away before we see any thing PG rated.

NEXT STOP: Belle in the Beast’s castle

Belle is the Beauty in Beauty and the Beast.

This is her character before she becomes a princess. In the Beast’s castle.

Beast: Do join me for dinner…

Belle: NO!

Beast: Why? *almost crying*

Belle: You’re ugly.

Beast: *burst into tears*


See? This is what happens when you are spoiled. Time for our final stop.

LAST STOP: Jack and Jill

Jack went tumbling down the hill. Why? Did he just break his crown? NO.

Jack was murdered by his very own twin sister.

Jill has been very jealous of Jack because he has been always getting attention as he is the eldest and always better at everything.

On the hill, Jack is lowering the bucket into the well. Jill creeps up behind him and slits his throat with a knife. With a yell, Jack drops the bucket, trips over a rock, and rolls down the hill. Jill smiles happily. But what she doesn’t know is that the well is magical and can sense danger. So the bucket flies out and hits her on the head. She K.O’s and rolls down the hill after her brother.

That concludes our tour. Thank you.


So how did you like it?! I thought it was pretty cool! Which is your favourite interpretation of the characters?

Scenery Sign Off


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